Ra Exchange stands out with its use of the Solidly (3,3) ve model and concentrated liquidity pools, allowing providers to optimize their investments by focusing on high-activity price ranges. Its tokenomics feature the RA token, which encourages long-term engagement through mechanisms like rebase rewards and the creation of veNFTs and xRA tokens. Governance is driven by veNFT holders, who have voting rights on key protocol decisions. The exchange is self-funded, maintaining independence from external financial pressures.
Value Proposition:
Ra Exchange utilizes the innovative Solidly (3,3) ve model and concentrated liquidity pools, which allow liquidity providers (LPs) to specify the price ranges where they want to provide liquidity. Ra Exchange introduces a "competitive farming" approach that tracks the efficiency of users' liquidity positions. This encourages LPs to strategically select their liquidity ranges to maximize rewards by concentrating their funds in price ranges with higher trading activity.
The veNFT tokens grant holders governance rights, allowing them to vote on pivotal decisions regarding the distribution of token emissions among liquidity pool pairs and other key governance issues within the ecosystem.
Ra Exchange incorporates the ve(3,3) model into their tokenomics. This is designed to incentivize long-term holding and participation through mechanisms such as dilution protection rebases. The system encourages users to lock their RA tokens in exchange for veNFTs, which represent their staked interest. These veNFTs enable holders to receive rebase rewards that increase their token holdings periodically, compensating for any dilution caused by the emission of new tokens. The team have also introduyced xRA. xRA is a new solution developed by the RA team to address the sustainability challenge associated with the natural fluctuations in flywheel operations. It serves as a non-transferable representation of 1 unit of RA, securely stored within the xRA token smart contract. xRA provides users with several conversion options to both RA and veRA, each with unique penalties and vesting periods.
Previous Funding:
Ra exchange is a completely self bootstrapped project and has not received any external funding.