Speed up your Superchain development journey with the top tools and resources for Interop App development.
Get hands-on with these Superchain Tutorial and Guides. Build Interop Apps and help summon Ethereum’s Phoenix.
Pierce Harger and Zain Bacchus, Product Managers at OP Labs, conducted a workshop on Scaling your app on the Superchain. They introduced developers to the Superchain Interop Devnet, demonstrating how native interoperability across multiple rollups can unlock new opportunities for creativity.
Karl Floersch, Co-founder of Optimism, hosted a workshop exploring Superchain interop and how it unlocks new creative possibilities for builders.
Reimagine your app with Superchain Interop to deliver the unified UX your users expect. Hack on net-new, bold use cases on Interop devnet.
This page contains information about the components of the rollup protocol and how they work together to build the layer 2 blockchain from the Chain Operator's perspective.