
Mode receives OP Grant to become The Superchain DeFi Hub

Mode receives a strategic grant from the Optimism Foundation of up to 2,000,000 OP to accelerate its mainnet launch coming up in the next few days.

Superchain Eco

Mode receives a strategic grant from the Optimism Foundation of up to 2,000,000 OP to accelerate its mainnet launch coming up in the next few days.

Mode Commits to the Superchain vision

In their announcement of the Grant, the Mode highlights their commitment to the Optimism Collective’s Superchain vision. As part of their commitment, Mode agrees to dedicate a portion of its sequencer revenue fees to the Optimism Collective, although a specific percentage is not mentioned yet.

Mission to become the Superchain DeFi Hub

Mode’s mission is to become the DeFI hub of the Superchain through game theory, incentive design, and ecosystem growth. The aim of this system is to enable native yield and dynamic rewards that power informed growth.

Participate in Mode

The Mode testnet is already live for users. You can experiment by bridging Sepolia ETH through the Mode website. The Mode Mainnet is also very close, with the team announcing a Mainnet launch as early as the end of January. With some dApps already having Mode Mainnet integrated, the launch is promising to be a big event.

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